
A particular project, from Sladjana Markovic, which combines art with inner spiritual research.

Inspired by mindfulness techniques, she manages to give shape to sensations by transforming them into modern 3D images, which in addition to the aesthetic component have the function of improving the acoustics of the space.


A different perspective of the experience

The concept of Art&Mind is an invitation to be present in the moment, to notice the subtle changes around us and within us. We found  inspiration in the pursuit of conscious living. In stopping to observe and listen.

Art combined with functionality

Noise reduction

Art&Mind's 3D paintings are made up of multiple layers, which gives them a sculptural and tactile look at the same time. The 3D Art&Mind paintings have the characteristic of acoustically insulating and improve the acoustic properties of the environment in which they are located. However, they cannot completely block out sound.

We care about the planet

We know how important it is to protect the planet. This is why recycling is extremely important. In addition to using material obtained by recycling PET packaging recovered from the sea, we are committed to making the process of creating our 3D images circular, without waste, for a better future for future generations.


The material we use is 100% recyclable, resistant to bacteria.



I'm 60 years old, I wasn't born in Trieste, but I've been living here for 50 and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I graduated in accounting and worked as a clerk for 25 years, then luckily I managed to change my path. From an early age I embarked on self-improvement paths, until I realized that there was a creative part within me that needed to be awakened and left free to emerge and express itself: photography. I have always taken photos since I was little: in fact there are many of us in the family who have this interest. I was inspired by my father with whom seeing photos, talking about them, appreciating them has been a constant in my life. I'm not passionate about "exhibitions" but photographic ones certainly interest me. The advent of digital technology, to which I dedicated myself, was the turning point: I started using a small compact camera, then smartphones were the real revolution begin. I photograph everything that attracts me: I can say that photography for me is a need for visual expression.


Phone: +39 339 488 1876

This artist is presented in collaboration with


Professional photographer since 1977, from portraits to weddings, from passport photos to architectural photography, she landed in food photography after winning the Eyeem Foodie Awards in 2015 in New York, a road that leads her to get to know many agri-food realities in her area and to open a blog: thus also discovering the pleasure of writing and a new way of photographing that she likes very much.


This artist is presented in collaboration with


Artist | Painter
Artist | Painter

Born in 1969 in Görtschach-Förolach, district of Hermagor, he finished his studies at the "Theresian Academy" in Vienna, with the final exam in 1987, followed by a diploma from the École des Beaux-Arts, Paris and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Vienna. He is a full member of the “Art Association Carinthia” since 2004.

He was trained among others by the professor and artist Christian Ludwig Attersee, by the sculptor and graphic artist Max Gangl and by the painter Gerald Brettschuh. He studied in Japan (Galery Sawada, Kawasaki) and in France (ENSBA Paris, Adrienne Farb). Today he lives and works in Vienna and in Carinthia.

He was also the illustrator of children's books entitled "The Badger and His Adventures" written by ORF presenter Christiane Wassertheurer.

"For me art is the convincing transmission of a subjective reality. Coming from the Gail Valley I was enthusiastic about the power and liveliness of the artists of the "Nötscher Kreis" from the very beginning. My path took me from the figurative to the abstract and vice versa. In terms of uniting two actually mutually exclusive levels, the surface (painting) and the line (graphics), I created the concept of surface-line dynamics for my work."



2022 ART AUSTRIA in the Museumsquartier Vienna

2019 ART Contemporary Salzburg

2016 ART MONACO Montecarlo

2016 ART AUSTRIA in the Leopold Museum Vienna

Other international exhibitions among others: Japan GALERY SAWADA

Kawasaki, GALERIE Burggasse 21, Vienna, Loisiarte in Langenlois,

Vienna City Hall

Barbara Essl
Artista | Fotografa
Barbara Essl
Artista | Fotografa

Per tanti anni ha lavorato come giornalista radiotelevisiva per diverse televisioni sia in Austria che in Italia – orf, zdf, studio di Roma, servus tv. È membro dell’Ordine dei Giornalisti Professionisti del Trento. Nel 2011 riceve il Premio „Österreichischer Filmpreis für Erwachsenenbildung” per la trasmissione literaTOUR su servus tv, tra l’altro ha fatto una servizio anche a Trieste con l’intervista allo scrittore Claudio Magris.

Nel 2003/2004 frequenta il “Speos Institute” a Parigi, dove è allieva di Paolo Roversi. Da allora è immersa nel mondo dell’arte, con numerose mostre in Austria e all’ estero (Asia, Stati Uniti).

Dal 2012 mi dedico alla fotografia artistica in forma di mostre ed esposizioni internazionali. Il mio ciclo "Testimonianza del tempo perduto” nasce nel 2014, dove immortalo strutture storiche abbandonate in tutta l’Europa, tra cui a Trieste, Fiume, Vienna e Venezia. In questo ciclo non mi interessa entrare nelle aree e di far vedere l’abbandono, ma di osservare gli spazi vuoti e ciò che tempo e natura determina con l’assenza dell’uomo. Si può riportare il silenzio e il rallentamento del tempo su pellicola o una scheda digitale? Che cosa rimarrà sulla terra dopo l’uomo? Quanto veloce riesce la natura a riconquistare l’eredità lasciata? Sono tutte domande che mi vengono in mente nei momenti di estrema euforia, quando ho la grande fortuna di potermi trovare in uno di questi mondi da favola – anche se spesso raccontano passati crudeli e tristi. E' un piacere poter condividere con Voi la mia visione.

Barbara Essl, 2022


1 giugno 2022 apertura mostra “Queer Moments in Lost Places” a Vienna, Finissage
25 di giugno al Castello Neugebäude Vienna.
2022 5 – 8 maggio Art Austria“ international art fair, Museumsquartier, Vienna
2021 Novembre Art for Children nel Museo Albertina, Vienna
2021 esposizione permanente nella „Galerie 21“, Spittelberg, Vienna
2021 aprile– giugno – Lost Trieste nel Künstlerhaus di Klagenfurt
2020 giugno – ottobre Kunstradln, Millstatt
2019 Dicembre Banca Oberbank Centrale di Vienna
2019 Marzo Mostra al Municipio di Graz
2018 Maggio Mostra „Acqua ed Architettura“ Alte Schieberkammer, Comune di Vienna
2017 Settembre Hypo Zentrale Graz – „Gebilde“
2017 Aprile Galerie Kult3000, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2016 Annuale „open space“ Workshow, Atelier Essl, Klagenfurt
2016 8 Luglio viene pesentato uno dei suoi lavori „Lost City“ nella Gala contro la Violenza nella Arena di Finkenstein Austria
2016 Maggio, San Francisco, USA, Summer exhibition „Nuovi lavori“, Fotografia e Pittura.
2015 Renaissance Shanghai Yangtze Hotel, China, Ciclo „Signs“ Fotografia e Pittura
2014 Maggio Galerie Junger a Shanghai, China, Solo Exhibition
2013 Marzo, Museumsquartier Vienna, Quartier 21 espone fotografie e pittura Ciclo Signs.

Barbara Essl | photoart
atelier und galerie
hoffmanngasse 9 | a-9020 klagenfurt
tel:+43 660 8132755


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Con il motto “architettura sensata” lo studio di Sissi Kettl si prende cura della progettazione di nuove costruzioni e ristrutturazioni preservando i valori del committente. Sissi segue sempre le nuove tendenze dei requisiti strutturali, ecologici e sociali degli edifici residenziali che le permette di offrire una pianificazione al passo con i tempi. La sua squadra appassionata di architettura vi accompagna con entusiasmo sin dallo sviluppo alla supervisione dell’intero processo, e dalla pianificazione fino alla perizia finale. Specializzati in costruzioni in legno, la squadra sta sviluppando, grazie anche alla collaborazione con BRO-Business real opportunity vari progetti nel settore immobiliare a Trieste e nei dintorni.
